The federal transportation performance management measures, emerging technology, and access to new data provides MPOs with an opportunity to make better and more well-informed decisions about how to invest transportation funding. However, it is critical that data-driven decisions are based on quality, dependable, and current data. As a result, the need for strong data governance, data management, advanced analytical tools and analyses, platforms to access available data, and sufficient staff structure and capacity are essential needs for the MPO community.
A hands-on interest group focused on creating and sharing content to support the MPO data community. Resources, webinars, and conversations will help to identify gaps in the data sector.
Data Interest Group Discussion Forum
Join the Data Interest Group leadership team and its members on the My AMPO discussion forum. Click My AMPO on the top right side of this page and log in to join the discussion. If you have any questions, click the how-to instructions below.
Leadership Team
Charlene Howard
Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
Charlene is the Planning Data Resources Manager for MWCOG and the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB) in Washington, DC, where she oversees the organization’s spatial data resources. She and her team support TPB by working with staff to identify opportunities for leveraging GIS and other technologies for developing data visualization products for TPB programs.
Cynthia Burch
Baltimore Metropolitan Council
Cindy began her career as a research analyst at the National Study Center for Trauma & EMS (NSC) in 2001 and went on to serve as epidemiologist/traffic records coordinator for the Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety in 2004. There she continued working with traffic records and statewide data projects. In late 2005, she returned to the NSC and served as a senior epidemiologist and project manager. In July 2018, Cindy moved to the Baltimore Metropolitan Council, the Baltimore region metropolitan planning organization, to support the development and implementation of Local Strategic Highway Safety Plans in the region’s seven jurisdictions.
Max Baker
Greater Nashville Regional Council
Max serves as the Director of Research and Analytics for the Greater Nashville Regional Council and has been with GNRC since 2017. In previous roles, he has served as a freight planner, land use modeler, and web developer.
James McLane
North Central Texas Council of Governments
James is a Transportation Information Systems Manager at the North Central Texas Council of Governments, where he leads efforts to maintain and expand the MPO’s data resources while seeking opportunities to apply those resources to the agency’s transportation planning efforts. He has over 10 years of GIS and data management experience including positions at two MPOs, an electric utility, and a county appraisal district. He is passionate about data transparency and using data to strengthen performance-based planning processes.
Committee Liaisons
Timothy Canan
Technical Committee
Director-level program and project manager with more than 30 years of experience in land use, transportation, and environmental planning, public engagement, research, and policy analysis in the private and public sectors.
Jim Stack
Genesee Transportation Council
James Stack has been the Executive Director of the Genesee Transportation Council in Rochester, NY since January 2016. Prior to being appointed Executive Director, Jim served as the Assistant Director for 14 years and has been with GTC for 23 years. Prior to GTC, Jim was a Transportation Planner in Bristol, CT. Jim has 30 years of transportation planning experience.
Eve McMenamy
Spokane Regional Transportation Council
Policy Committee
Eve is the Deputy Executive Director of Spokane Regional Transportation Council which is the both the Metropolitan Transportation Organization (MPO) and Regional Transportation Planning Organization (RTPO) for the Spokane Region where she has worked since 1995. Prior to SRTC, Eve earned a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from Penn State University and worked for Lockheed Martin in the aerospace industry. She has a demonstrated history of producing regional polices, long-range transportation plans and programs, air quality plans and managing the successful delivery of transportation investments. She enjoys strong relationships with transportation stakeholders and leading collaborative groups to creatively solve problems in the changing conditions. Eve also works with the SRTC Board to assist them in prioritizing projects and developing legislative statements.
Committee Liaisons
Joseph Hausman
AMPO Contact
Ellen Zavisca: ezavisca@ampo.org