2024 Meetings
Quarter 1 Meeting
February 28th at 2:00 PM ET
Tentative Topic: C-V2X and the Advancement of Interoperable
Meeting materials can be found here.
Quarter 2 Meeting
May 21st at 3:00 PM ET
Tentative Topic: AVs Are Coming to Your Region at Scale: Challenges & Opportunities
Meeting materials can be found here.
Quarter 3 Meeting
August 14th at 3:00 PM ET
Topic: Technology & Tools for Road User Charging
Meeting materials can be found here
Quarter 4 Meeting
November 5th at 3:00 PM ET
Topic: Vertiports & Advanced Air Mobility
Meeting materials can be found here
2023 Meetings
Quarter 1 Meeting
March 6th at 2:00 PM ET
Topic: Last-mile Small Freight Delivery Technologies
View meeting materials here.
Quarter 2 Meeting
May 22nd at 2:00 PM ET
Topic: Alternatives to Fuel Taxes
Meeting materials coming soon.
Quarter 3 Meeting
August 22nd at 2:00 PM ET
Topic: State of AV Adoption
View meeting materials here.
Quarter 4 Meeting
November 15th at 2:00 PM ET
Topic: AI in Transportation and Land Use
View meeting materials here.
2022 Meetings
Quarter 1 Meeting
May 5th at 3:00 PM ET
Topic: NEVI (National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure) Program
Format: Webinar
Quarter 2 Meeting
May 26th at 3:00 PM ET
Topic: NEVI (National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure) Program
Format: Webinar
To access materials from the meeting, click here.
Quarter 3 Meeting
August 4th at 2:00 PM ET
Topic: Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO)
Format: Hybrid
To access materials from the meeting, click here.
Quarter 4 Meeting
November 3rd at 2:00 PM ET
Topic: Roadway Fees and Driver Behavior
Format: Hybrid
To access materials from the meeting, click here.
Working Group Meetings:
The working group held four meetings, which culminated in a national symposium. The meetings focused on MPOs, but included MPO partners, such as State DOTs and industry. The objective of these meetings was to develop a framework to increase awareness among MPOs, State DOTs, and local transportation agencies of transportation planning-related vehicle connectivity and automation issues, opportunities and challenges, and implications for the transportation planning process. The meetings provided the USDOT with a mechanism for outreach on vehicle connectivity and automation planning-related guidance, and program and policy initiatives. The meetings provided an opportunity for MPOs to discuss and identify the necessary training, information, and tools for deployment and implementation. In addition, they allowed participants to build technical capacity, identify the state of practice, and develop effective practices.
Webinar, March 11, 2021
AMPO held a webinar on March 11, 2021 focused on Building Technical Capacity for Emerging Technologies. A recording of the webinar as well as the webinar presentation slides can be found here.
Webinar, April 25, 2019
AMPO held a webinar on April 25, 2019 to share its National Framework for Regional Vehicle Connectivity and Automation Planning. A recording of the webinar, as well as the webinar presentation slides, can be found here.
Work Group Meeting #1: April 4-5, 2017
The Working Group held its first meeting from April 4-5, 2017 in Arlington, Texas. The group was hosted by the University of Texas at Arlington’s College of Architecture, Planning, and Public Affairs. This meeting identified current policy, practice, and activities at MPOs, challenges and needs, opportunities, and next steps.
Read-ahead packet, presentations, and other materials can be found here.
Working Group Meeting #2: July 31 – Aug 1, 2017
The Working Group held its second meeting from July 31 – August 1, 2017 in Cincinnati, Ohio in coordination with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Official’s (AASHTO) Conference on Performance‐Based Transportation Planning, Financing, and Management. The meeting focused on the opportunities and challenges of navigating regulatory concerns in vehicle connectivity and automation development and implementation, partnership opportunities between State DOTs and MPOs, and the risks associated with deployment and implementation. For more information, click here.
Working Group Meeting #3: November 13-14, 2017
The Working Group held its third meeting from November 13-14, 2017 in Washington, DC. The meeting included AMPO’s federal partners in the United States Department of Transportation and United States Environmental Protection Agency along with a diverse group of AMPO’s peer agencies. The objective of the meeting was to identify the roles, responsibilities, relationships, and opportunities for collaboration. For more information, click here.
Working Group Meeting #4: March 5-7, 2018
The Working Group held its fourth and final meeting from March 5-7, 2018 in Orlando, Florida. The meeting discussed the relationship between MPOs, States, and Federal agencies and the private sector and establishing effective partnerships and coordination practices among them. For more information, click here.
Working Group Peer Exchange/Symposium: November 14-15, 2018
The Working Group held a Peer Exchange/Symposium from November 14-15, 2018 in Denver, Colorado. The primary purpose of the meeting was to discuss the draft National Framework for Regional Connected and Automated Vehicles Planning developed by the working group. The group was also able to participate in a demo of EasyMile’s 61AV Driverless Shuttle. For more information, click here.