AMPO is the transportation advocate for metropolitan regions, committed to enhancing MPOs’ abilities to improve metropolitan transportation systems. We provide a forum for our members with policy updates and advocacy support, technical expertise and committee opportunities, peer-to-peer networking events and educational development. Review our AMPO Benefits Overview and Slide Deck for more information.
Federal Policy Updates and Advocacy
We advocate for policy positions developed with our members in the interest of all MPOs. We educate federal lawmakers, agencies and regulators on the value of MPOs. This includes the economic and regulatory impacts these policies have on our communities. In addition, members have the opportunity to hold a seat on the AMPO Policy Committee. This committee acts as the liaison between the AMPO Board and the MPO community.
AMPO is a 501c4 non-profit. This designation allows us to lobby for the policy positions that we craft with our members, in the interests of all MPOs. In SAFETEA-LU, AMPO successfully lobbied for the PL increase. We know that the next reauthorization is not about a “single win,” and have been working with our Board, the member driven Policy Committee, Hill Staff, MPOs, and Associations in order to craft a metropolitan vision for the future.
- Access to archived and current policy materials drafted by the AMPO Policy Committee on the future metropolitan vision.
- Legislative tracking and regular updates on all Congressional items relating to transportation systems and metropolitan planning.
- The opportunity to hold a seat (MPO members) on the AMPO Policy Committee. This Committee is the liaison between the AMPO Board/Staff and the MPO Community.
Technical Expertise
AMPO is recognized as the leader in providing technical expertise and assistance to the MPO community. AMPO members have the opportunity to join the member-run Technical Committee. This committee works to define planning practices that lead to the development of key transportation proposals. AMPO currently provides support with the following interest groups:
- Active Transportation
- Environment & Resiliency
- Data
- Emerging Technologies
- GIS & Data Visualization
- Performance Based Planning and Programming
- Core Products
- Socioeconomic Forecasting
The mission of the ActivitySim project is to create and maintain advanced, open-source, activity-based travel behavior modeling software based on best software development practices for distribution at no charge to the public. This project is led by a consortium of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), Departments of Transportation (DOTs), and other transportation planning agencies, which provides technical direction and resources to support project development. Members include: Puget Sound Regional Council, Metropolitan Transportation Commission, San Francisco Transportation Authority, San Diego Association of Governments, Atlanta Regional Council, Southeast Michigan COG, Oregon DOT, Metropolitan Council (St. Paul & Minneapolis) and AMPO.
New member agencies are welcome to join the consortium which requires an annual contribution. All member agencies help make decisions about development priorities and benefit from contributions of other agency partners. This is administered by the AMPO Research Foundation, a Federal 501(c)(3) organization.
AMPO offers the best tools and resources for MPOs seeking to gain knowledge in any facet of the metropolitan planning field. The AMPO Annual Conference is quickly becoming known as the premiere event for MPOs to learn and network. Sessions are taught by experts and offer a combination of presentations and hands-on learning.
- Discounted rates at Annual Conference.
- AICP credits offered at a discounted rate for workshops approved by the American Planning Association.
- Advanced notice for special AMPO workshops that have limited space.
AMPO Annual Conference
Every year AMPO hosts a national conference providing a robust program covering current issues including the future of transportation, data collection, legislative issues and roundtable discussions relating to MPO’s from all regions. We offer the best tools and resources for MPOs seeking to gain knowledge in any facet of the metropolitan planning field. AMPO members are eligible to receive a discounted registration rate and almost every session qualifies for AICP credits. The AMPO Annual Conference is the premiere event for MPOs to learn and network.
Planning Tools and Technical Symposium
AMPO also hosts the biennial Planning Tools and Training Symposium. The symposium brings together MPO staff and practitioners to share information on a variety of MPO technical issues and provides peer-to-peer training for the MPO community to discuss challenges, opportunities, and implementation strategies regarding current planning tools and applications. AMPO members are eligible to receive discounted registration fees and nearly all sessions qualify for AICP credits.
Bi-Weekly Newsletter and Social Media
AMPO provides a bi-weekly electronic newsletter to its members, highlighting featured news in the transportation planning community, policy and technical updates and a calendar of industry workshops and events. As a member, you will be connected to AMPO’s social networks via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram, benefiting from increased membership engagement and industry recognition.
Job Board and RFP & RFQ Board
AMPO provides free posting opportunities to its members to help extend member reach to qualified candidates and organizations.
Member Assistance
AMPO staff is available to provide quick, insightful answers to your transportation planning inquiries. We support our members with useful solutions and current resources. In addition, members receive free online job postings on the AMPO Job Board, helping you gain access to a large professional community.
Leadership Opportunities
As an AMPO member, you have the opportunity to run for the Board of Directors. The Board, including the President and Vice President, are elected by the members. As a member-led and member-focused organization, the Board is responsibility for the governance of the organization. It provides strategic direction, implements policy and manages financial matters in partnership with the AMPO staff. We also invite future leaders to sit on our technical and policy committees or become project or committee chairs.
Membership Categories
Who Qualifies: MPOs across the U.S. interested in technical issues and policies that affect the transportation planning process.
Payment: Dues calculations are based on the 2010 UZA population provided by the Census Bureau and sourced from the FHWA HEPGIS data file. Dues can be calculated by multiplying the 2010 UZA population by .006 for non-TMA MPOs or .007 for TMA MPOs (UZA Population x .006 or .007). Due to the delayed distribution of the 2020 census data, we will continue to use the above formula until FY25 (July 1st, 2024). In addition, a compounding rate of 3% will be applied annually to adjust for inflation using FY24 as the base year. The dues structure includes a floor of $1,000/annually and a cap of $30,000/annually.
JOIN TODAY! Contact Jessica O’Keefe at
Who Qualifies: Organizations and businesses that work with MPOs or have an interest in the transportation planning process.
Payment: Dues range from $7,000 – $15,000 per year. Space is limited!
JOIN TODAY! Contact Jessica O’Keefe at
Who Qualifies: NGO, non-profit, academic, or other organizations that are not strictly for-profit companies and that work with MPOs or have an interest in the transportation planning process.
Payment: Dues are a flat fee of $5,000 per year.
JOIN TODAY! Contact Jessica O’Keefe at
Who Qualifies: Consultants, planners, and other interested individuals who are self-employed and not affiliated with a large organization or MPO. Please be advised, Individual Members are accepted on a case-by-case basis.
Payment: Dues are $250 per year.
JOIN TODAY! Contact Jessica O’Keefe at
Who Qualifies: Students and interns with an interest in the transportation planning process. Proof of enrollment in an educational institution is required.
Payment: Dues are $50 per year
JOIN TODAY! Contact Jessica O’Keefe at
How to Pay your AMPO Membership Dues
Please make the check payable to: Association for Metropolitan Planning Organizations and mail to us at: 4300 Wilson Blvd. Suite 220 Arlington, VA 22203
Members may now process dues payments via e-check. Once you have your invoice details, you may process payment at the link below.
Members may pay dues via credit card. Once you have your invoice details, please visit the link below to make your payment.
PAY BY CREDIT CARDIf you have any concerns about your dues, please email Beth at Questions related to membership can be emailed to Jessica at We appreciate your membership!