AMPO’s Socioeconomic Forecasting Interest Group is a community of practice for staff engaged in demographic, economic, and land use forecasting at regional planning agencies. The group fosters collaboration﹘sharing knowledge, resources, and innovations in our work. We seek to enhance communication and foster peer exchanges through interest group events (webinars, coffee chats, and conferences) and online resources (web forum and contacts list). The interest group aims to move conversations and practices forward, aiding the analytical capabilities and policy recommendations of regional agencies.
- Provide a forum for MPO staff to share practices, information, and resources;
- Build MPO technical capacity through peer-to-peer sharing, documentation, and dissemination of innovative tools, data, and practices;
- Identify challenges and emerging issues in socioeconomic and land use forecasting;
- Seek opportunities for resource sharing toward common advancement in tools and practices; and
- Communicate and share best practices, guidance, resources, and activities with other AMPO committees and at AMPO events, as appropriate.
Socioeconomic Discussion Forum
Join the Socioeconomic Interest Group leadership team and its members on the My AMPO discussion forum. Click My AMPO on the top right side of this page and log in to join the discussion. If you have any questions, click the how-to instructions below.
Leadership Team