AMPO Climate Change and Energy Planning Webinar Series
AMPO and FHWA partnered to develop a series of Capacity Building webinars on Climate Change and Energy Planning, and worked with Parsons Brinckerhoff to deliver the webinars. The webinars provided a peer exchange of experiences at various MPOs. AMPO will soon release a findings report of the diversity of challenges, ongoing and planned activities and identified needs to assist agencies in meeting these challenges within their regions.
Climate change and energy planning are relatively new to most MPOs, and the webinars highlighted MPOs that are in the early stages of those experiences as well as MPOs that are farther along – what’s working, what are the obstacles, what have you learned? The webinars addressed the following topics:
- Collaborating or coordinating with state DOTs and other organizations on climate change and energy issues.
- Communicating with the public and local officials about air quality, climate change, or energy.
- Undertaking climate change and energy planning as a co-benefit of pursuing other transportation goals.
- Developing traffic operations and management strategies as a response to emergency events or as an emissions reduction strategy.
Context for Climate Change Planning, November 29, 2011
What is the status of climate change science and government policies? How does surface transportation fit into the overall climate change picture? What are the latest developments in climate adaptation? How are MPOs planning for climate change?
Click here for the webinar slides and here for the audio/video recording.
Climate Change Partners and Collaboration, January 10, 2012
Who are MPOs partnering with on climate change? Where can MPOs go for climate impacts forecasts? What are some good examples of MPO partnerships? What do MPOs bring to the table in these partnerships?
Click here for the webinar slides and here for the audio/video recording.
Climate Change Communications, March 6, 2012
How are MPOs communicating climate change challenges – to local officials? The public? What approaches have worked well in various MPOs?
Click here for the webinar slides and here for the audio/video recording.
Linking Climate Change Solutions to Other Planning Goals, May 1, 2012
How is climate change planning linked to other goals? How are climate change strategies reinforcing broader planning goals like improved access, mobility, and public health? Which strategies are best serving these multiple goals in a constrained economy?
Click here for the webinar slides and here for the audio/video recording.
Effective Implementation of Traffic Operations and Management, June 26, 2012
How are MPOs building on existing transportation management and operations programs to meet climate change needs? For GHG reductions? For better emergency response to extreme weather (climate) events?
Click here for the webinar slides and here for the audio/video recording.
Useful resources: Click here for a list of useful resources identified in the webinars for addressing climate change and energy in the planning process.