AMPO Legislative Priority Briefing

AMPO Legislative Priority Briefing

Join us for an in-depth briefing on AMPO’s legislative priorities as we prepare for the upcoming reauthorization of the federal surface transportation bill. With the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) set to expire in 2026, this reauthorization presents a critical opportunity to shape the future of transportation funding and policy. This session will provide an overview of reauthorization, its significance to MPOs, and AMPO’s advocacy efforts, including our priorities to increase planning funds, allow MPOs to become to direct recipient of certain federal funds, reduce local match requirements, and streamline funding processes. Your participation is vital as we work together to ensure MPOs have the resources and policies needed to create innovative, equitable, and impactful transportation solutions.

Register here.

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Jan 22 2025


2:00 pm - 3:15 pm