AMPO’s live Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) Tracker tool identifies and tracks federal funding opportunities from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL)/Investment, Infrastructure, and Jobs Act (IIJA) that are most relevant to Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs). The NOFO Tracker is updated weekly with critical information on upcoming federal funding opportunities. Users are able to use the filter function to sort programs by application deadline, eligibility, category, agency, cost-share requirements and more. Users are also able to view the Tracker in different formats: Calendar view, Gallery view, Table view, and the Kanban view. To access different views, scroll to the bottom of this webpage. For more information on how to use this tool and tailor it to your needs, read the NOFO Tracker Tool User Guide below.

AMPO Members gain access to additional federal funding support resources.  For more information, click the Member Access button below and log into your MyAMPO account.

Please contact Katie Economou, AMPO’s Intergovernmental Affairs Manager, with any questions, feedback, and/or any requests for additional funding opportunities