The National Institute for Congestion Reduction (NICR) has announced the arrival of brand-new training program designed especially for MPO Board members!
This FREE training program consists of five self-paced video lessons and an in-depth training manual. Videos can be watched alone or MPO staff can use the video/training manual combo to educate their MPO Board members. The facilitator-led training section includes a variety of suggestions for hosting training sessions both in-person and virtually.
The first three videos provide background necessary to understand the role and responsibility of the MPO. The last two focus on the nature of congestion, techniques for reducing or mitigating congestion, and the MPO role in managing congestion.
This training program was funded through the National Institute for Congestion Reduction (NICR) and created by faculty at the Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR) with guidance from staff at the Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (AMPO), the National Association of Regional Councils (NARC), and the Florida MPO Advisory Council (MPOAC). The training is specifically designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of MPO Board members.
To access the training program, please visit the NICR MPO Congestion Reduction Training YouTube Channel.